meg grant
in 5 easy steps
- Study Fashion Design & Technology in Wellington, New Zealand, graduating with a Major in Computer Aided Design for pattern making.
- Spend a few years in the fashion industry before teaching self to write code. Work as interface developer (frontend) for design agencies in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, for over 10 years.
- Discover hardware through Arduino and the open source hardware movement with a focus on textiles, fashion and the body. Explore human/computer relationships through independent research, critical design and making.
- Share knowledge and teach through workshops and lectures. Help to set up the V2_ eTextile Workspace. Contribute to the start of the E-Textile Summercamp series for e-textile expert practitioners. Teach Fashion Design Technology and Smart Textiles at Willem de Kooning Academie in the Netherlands.
- Move to San Francisco and work on textile connectivity solutions in the TE Connectivity Wearable Lab. Work on soft exo-suit development, AR/VR glove input devices and early-stage product development. Never stop learning about hardware development, engineering processes, material properties, testing, regulations, engineering culture, communication and collaboration.
this website
All of the content on this site is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license unless specified otherwise. Ideas, techniques and images are to be attributed to Meg Grant and/or If you do end up using or referencing any of the material or techniques on this site, I'd love to hear about it! If you would like to use any of the material or techniques on this site for commercial purposes, please contact me to discuss.